From data entry to data analytics and strategic estates planning
I think making the decision to move from an operational area into Project Management was the first major decision in my civil service career. Having spent around 5 years in various roles in DWP Pensions I was ready for a change in focus. My main motivation was to try something new and really challenge myself to utilise the skills i had gained to date and see how i could apply them. Something that interests me is understanding the bigger picture across Government, working across several projects with other departments and external partners offered the perfect opportunity to experience that.
More recently I have spent several years leading a team in the HMRC Digital Analytics space. The team was a new function in the department with the objective to develop HMRC's framework for performance analytics, identifying new software to enable the delivery of robust insight, data reports and visualisations to our Digital services meeting the Government Digital Service standards. As time progressed and the more involved I became I wanted to try a new challenge and began looking to secure a more senior role offering me the opportunity to shape the strategic approach to the work I was delivering. In 2020 I joined the Strategic Estates Insight and Planning team, where I lead the data modelling and analytics team delivering our One Version of the Truth estates data position.
I analyse estate capacity, demand & utilisation to support planning
In my role I am responsible for delivering a robust capacity position across the HMRC office estate including Regional Centres, Legacy sites, Transitional and Specialist sites. All proposals to expand, contract or change the HMRC footprint, as well as any work involving OGD’s occupying HMRC space, come through my team.
Working closely with In-Year and Strategic workforce planning, Finance professionals and Heads of Estates I utilise workplace and workforce planning and financial data to identify potential estate opportunities and/or pressures, producing key recommendations which feed into strategic decisions across all locations. In other words, we track where HMRC has space and will have space, and match that against HMRC’s demand for space now and in future to influence decisions at office, regional and national level.
It is my role to deliver one version of the truth from an estates position, this includes blending multiple complex datasets to provide bespoke user-friendly products, develop and maintain modelling assumptions to provide high level/detailed analysis & scenario modelling outputs that support tactical & strategic solutions enabling DGs, Directors and ExCom to make informed decisions across the HMRC estate.
There is so much variation in my role, really keeps things interesting
In my role no 2 days are ever the same, as someone who loves working in ambiguity and not knowing what the day is going to bring I relish the challenges my current position demands.
My team at times are like a hub, we engage with colleagues across the department such as Design, Implementation, Projects, Finance, Property and Lines of Business to name a few. The engagement we have and insight/data we gather and develop to shape our planning assumptions, products and recommendations provide significant challenge but a great sense of achievement at the same time.
The work we do feeds in to various boards and groups helping to inform key decisions made on the future of HMRC's workplace and workforce strategies, something that is a constantly changing landscape.
Don't be afraid to try and fail, learn and get back on the horse
If there is one thing in my 20+ years in the civil service I have figured out it is you will never know if you don't try.
Early on in my career I would never volunteer for opportunities, I wouldn't offer up answers or contribute to group meetings or working groups and missed the opportunity to apply for roles I would have loved to try my hand at. This was all through the fear of looking stupid or failing and how other people would view me.
Not to say I have never failed as I have, be that in job applications or the approach I have taken to work tasks. The biggest thing I will share here is I have learned so much more from failing than I ever have from getting something right first time. The support from my colleagues during these times was surprising, there are so many great people who work across our government departments which fosters a great environment to be part of.
Don't forget if you learn or take something way from an experience how can that be seen as a failure. Don't stop trying.