Is there one thing you wish you'd known before you applied?
Heather H. asked a question to Customer Services
Category: Experience
Date asked: Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Last reviewed: Friday, May 3, 2024
Complaints Manager-Officer
Not really, I knew people already working here when I applied.
Monday, August 22, 2022
Associate Trainer
Not really, as I was covered fully from the job description. But if I had dependants, I think I would like to know about the flexibility around shift patterns
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Debt Management Complaints manager
The job description was very good and covered everything that was expected for the role I applied for. But, I did not realise how supportive/flexible HMRC is regarding home/ disabilities/ children concerns.
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
Yes, I would have preferred to know about the lack of pay progression and how to join the recognised trade union from day one.
Saturday, May 13, 2023
Portfolio Lead
Just to amplify, PCS is usually included in the induction process I believe, certainly was in my own experience. Pay progression is a similar situation as private companies I'm afraid however there is a wealth of support if you want to go for promotion once you have completed your induction and bedded into your role. My advice is volunteer for everything to give yourself a broad base of experiences to talk about at interview that would be the one thing I wish I had known at day one.
Monday, May 22, 2023
Assistant Director, Compliance Strategy
Your career is your own, it is good to listen to others experience but ultimately that won't necessarily apply to you. I heard a lot of how things used to be when I first joined but I learnt to focus on comparing my experience to what is available today and not what it used to be like. Additionally, your life choices will be different to others so good to listen to others, ask questions that are relevant to your current situation and you have more time ahead of you than you realise.
I got too caught up in keeping up with my peers and made career decisions that were focused on getting on rather than around where I wanted to end up. It worked out for me but could have been different if I had more patience and focused on what is right for me and not compare myself to others.
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Portfolio Lead
How important Digital Capability is. Data Analysis Skills and the ability to use, understand and apply Office 365 Apps.
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Customer Service Advisor
I wish I'd known more specifically what my job would have entailed. I applied for a Customer Service Advisor position, but they aren't very specific in what department/team I would be operating in. I have no issues with the department I was assigned to, but it would have been nice to know in advance of my first day.
Friday, May 3, 2024
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